
quarta-feira, 11 de abril de 2012

Professor movido a energia solar

Kevin Crosby é um professor dedicado. Leciona na High School Independence. Quando não está na sala de aula, orienta a Equipe Solar Autista Falcon. Ele explica como a energia solar funciona, usando moinhos de vento e gás carbônico.

Todos seus alunos têm autismo, e enfrentam dificuldades com as habilidades acadêmicas básicas.

Usando a energia solar, Kevin conseguiu envolver seus alunos com a energia solar. Ele conta que "um dos estudantes veio até mim e disse que a energia solar era fascinante. Foi um UEBA!! - isso é uma coisa forte para eles e então, pensei que eles podiam ensinar isso para as outras crianças!"

Assista ao vídeo aqui.

Real Hero: Kevin Crosby
The Autism News - 11 April, 2012 -

17 News continues our salute to this year’s Red Cross Real Heroes, with a local high school teacher who is changing the lives of autistic students with the help of solar energy. But, it’s not just the power of the sun that inspires his students.

Kevin Crosby is a special education teacher at Independence High School. When he’s not in the classroom, Crosby is leading the Falcon Autistic Solar Team. Crosby explains how solar energy works, using windmills and carbon dioxide.

But, behind Crosby’s experiments and students, lies a common disorder that cripples their social skills. Every student suffers from autism. Each one suffers from a variety of developmental disabilities and struggles with basic academic skills.

Through solar energy, Crosby actively engages his students about the power of the sun. “One of the students came up to me and said that solar activity was mind blowing. It was like wow, this was powerful to them and that’s when I got the idea that they can teach this to other kids,” explained Crosby.

Real Hero: Kevin Crosby
The Autism News - 11 April, 2012 -


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